Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Featured DVD of the Week


American Masters (Television Program)

Features more than eighty vaudeville acts.

Butler Media Res

Monday, December 14, 2009

Featured DVD of the Week

21st Century Turning Points in U.S. History 2000-2009
"examines the most significant events in America since the turn of the century: our nation under attack on her own soil, a natural disaster destroying one of her major cities, Americans facing the greatest economic crisis since the Great Depression, and the nation’s infrastructure - roads, water systems and electrical grids - deteriorating. It is also a decade of hope. The country elected its first African American President, the Internet connected people in ways unimaginable just ten years ago, and mapping the human genome gives the promise of a brighter, healthier future."--Container insert.

Butler Media Res

Featured Resource

Copyright Advisory Office Website

Excellent resource for information on the fundamentals of copyright, fair use and educational applications.

See the section on film and the classroom.


Monday, December 7, 2009

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Featured DVD of the Week

Thanksgiving Dinner in the movies!

Avalon (1990)
Directed by Barry Levinson

The Gold Rush (1925)
Directed by Charlie Chaplin

Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Directed by Woody Allen

The House of Yes (1997)
Directed by Mark Waters

The Ice Storm (1997)
Directed by Ang Lee

Pieces of April (2003)
Directed by Peter Hedges

Thursday, November 19, 2009

In Memoriam

Jeanne-Claude, the Artist (1935-2009)

Five Films About Christo & Jeanne-Claude
A Maysles Films Production
Butler Media Res

Friday, November 6, 2009

Featured Resource

Thirteen/WNET half hour program on Sundays -- features information on music, dance, theatre, and art exhibits. The website provides extensive access to an impressive collection of video content, profiles and interviews with celebrated artists, Blog postings and news.

Excellent website.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Featured DVD of the Week

Go New York Yankees!

Pride of the Yankees (1942)
Butler Media Res

61 (2001)
Butler Media Res

Baseball (1994)
Butler Media Res

100 Years of the New York Yankees (2003)
Butler Media

Reel Baseball (2007)
Butler Media Res

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Featured DVD of the Week

A Face in the Crowd (1957)
Directed by Elia Kazan

Screenplay by Budd Schulberg and featuring Andy Griffith, Patricia Neal, Walter Matthau, Anthony Franciosa, and Lee Remick. Griffith is a force in his role as Lonesome Rhodes -- a guitar playing hillbilly who, with the support of Neal as a television reporter, gets a get out of jail card to become an overnight television sensation. His philosophizes, he connives, he becomes too powerful -- as he comes close to dominating a political faction. Sound familiar?

Butler Media (Circulating)

Butler Media Res

Monday, October 19, 2009

Featured DVD of the Week

No Direction Home : Bob Dylan

Butler Media (Circulating)

An honest documentary, sympathetic, perceptive -- a chronicle of Bob Dylan's evolution between 1961 and 1966 from singer to protest singer to rock star. Running time of 225 minutes, originally broadcast on the PBS program American Masters in 2005.

Pair it with D.A. Pennebaker's Don't Look Back (1967).
Butler Media Res

Monday, October 12, 2009

Featured DVD of the Week

Abe Lincoln in Illinois (1940)
Directed by John Cromwell
Butler Media Res

Based on the Pulitzer Prize winning play by Robert E. Sherwood and starring Raymond Massey as Lincoln and Ruth Gordon as Mary Todd Lincoln.

See the New York Times Review.

Copyright Advisory Office

The Copyright Advisory Office is a service based at Columbia University to address the relationship between copyright law and the research, teaching, and service activities of the university.

The website provides information on fair use and appropriate uses, permissions, and general information on copyright and libraries.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Interlibrary Loan or Borrow Direct?

The Interlibrary Loan Department has published a useful guide outlining the differences between the two services for requesting materials not currently available from Columbia University Libraries.

Please note that Borrow Direct is primarily for books and music scores. For DVDs and other non-print media, please use Interlibrary Loan.

Link to Interlibrary Loan Request It or Borrow Direct.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Endnote, Refworks, and Zotero at Columbia

This page outlines options for citation management here at Columbia.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Featured DVD of the Week

In the Land of the War Canoes (1914)
by Edward S. Curtis

This DVD version was released by Milestone Film and Video.
Click here for more information about the film.

Butler Media Res DVD10484

How to Cite Media

Thanks to the folks at Media Resources Center, UC Berkeley, for putting together this style sheet on how to cite film, video, and online media.

Link to the guide here.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Featured DVD of the Week

The Apartment (1960)

Following his delightfully hilarious Some Like it Hot (1959), Billy Wilder directs Jack Lemmon, Shirley MacLaine, Ray Walston, and Fred MacMurry in a bittersweet romance and comedy -- a story of trying to get to the top, revolving doors, and love.

Butler Media (Circulating) DVD10425
Butler Media Res DVD0933

Featured Resource

Twentieth Century Advice Literature: North American guides on race, sex, gender, and the family

Offers an amazing collection of literature on etiquette and conduct –provides a true social history. Works include “How to be a Successful Hostess” (1930) to “How to Get the Most Out of Your Victrola” (1923).

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Featured Resource

National Endowment for the Arts: Research Notes

"Along with their sponsorship of various artistic endeavors, the National
Endowment for the Arts (NEA) creates specialized analyses of topics of
interest to policy-makers, arts administrators, and others with an interest
in the arts. Their Research Notes papers can be found here, and visitors can
browse the papers by the date of their release or by subject. Currently,
there are almost 100 papers listed on the site. The first paper was released
in 1982, and since then, the NEA has sponsored papers that include "College
Course-Taking Patterns in the Arts", "International Data on Government
Spending on the Arts", and "Public Participation in the Arts: 1982 and
1992". Finally, the site also contains links to the NEA's research brochures
and a place where visitors can sign up to receive email updates about new
research publications. [KMG]" excerpt from Internet Scout Report 9/4/09

Friday, September 11, 2009

Exhibit -- Fall 2009

Featured DVD of the Week


d. Andrejz Wajda
Originally produced in 2007. 
Dramatization of the massacre of 20,000 people (interned Polish officers as well as civilians accused of treason by the occupying Soviet forces) by the Soviet secret police at Katyń in the spring of 1940, and the cover-up that followed. Follows the fictional stories of four families, separated from one another in the confusion of September 1939, when the Soviets and Germans invaded Poland, through the Soviet occupation in 1945 when the truth of the massacre gets suppressed.
In Polish with English subtitles. 
Butler Media Res 
Butler Media (Circulating) 

SoA Workshops

Resources for Film Studies and Performing Arts
These one-hour sessions provide an introduction to the vast selection of print, non-print (DVDs, CDs), image and electronic collections for film and performing arts at Columbia.
September 18 @ 2pm
September 23 @5:30pm
October 29 @2:30pm
All sessions will be held in 306 Butler.
Please RSVP -- nef4@columbia.edu

Butler Media -- New Circulating Titles

In September 2008, Butler Media received a gift of 17,500 DVDs from Kim's Media upon the closing of the uptown store. The collection is being added to Butler Media as the basis for a circulating collection.

Titles circulate to all Columbia affiliates -- 2 titles, 3 days. Faculty may borrow titles for one week.

To find circulating titles in CLIO:
Use Pre-Set Limits (located on the right under title, author box).
Select -- Library Location: Butler Media (Circulating)
Be sure to click on Set Limits and then return to search box.
Pre-set limits will work on keyword and title searches only.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Surveying the First Decade: Video Art and Alternative Media in the U.S.

Now in DVD, this anthology provides an excellent introduction to media arts. Included are more than 16 hours of video representing TV news and films originally produced in the 197o's and 1980's. Featured are seminal works that range from performance-based, feminist, documentary, and conceptual projects.

Butler Media Collection

Monday, February 9, 2009

SoA Research -- Workshop

SoA Research
February 11 or February 18
2 p.m.
306 Butler Library

Do you want to find plays, screenplays, journal articles, images, movies, reviews, or biographies? Would you like to read a screenplay -- online? Are you interested in early cinema history? Do you need to find information about how people dressed in 19th century New York City? Are you looking for a book on design? Would you like to search Google more effectively?

If the answer is yes, please attend one of these informal, two-hour hands-on sessions. We will review a wide range of resources with a special focus on film and performing arts related materials.

Seats are limited -- please RSVP by sending email to nef4@columbia.edu

Featured Resource

History of the American Cinema, is now available electronically through the Gale Virtual Reference Collection. This essential resource, also available in print, documents American film history decade by decade currently through the 1980s.

In addition, Gale Virtual Reference includes The Columbia Companion to American History on Film: How the Movies Have Portrayed the Past, International Dictionary of Films and Filmmakres, Movies Made for Television: 1964-2004, and Schirmer Encyclopedia of Film.

Link to Gale Virtual Reference

Featured DVD of the Week

Recently added to the Butler Media Collection, the beautifully crafted box set entitled Essential Art House: 50 Years of Janus Films. This set was created in celebration of Janus Films and fifty years as the preeminent U.S. distributor of foreign and classic films.

Butler Media Collection

Featured Resource

In microfilm, Cinema Pressbooks provide a unique source for production histories from the original studio collections of United Artists (1919-1949), Warner Brothers (1922-1949), and Monogram Pictures (1937-1946).

Located in the Periodical and Microfilm Reading Room
Butler Library Room 401

Featured Resource

The Griffith Project, begun in 1996, is now complete at 12 print volumes. This work documents with commentary more than six hundred films directed, written, produced and supervised by D.W. Griffith. The authors are specialists and scholars of silent cinema.

Available from Butler Library
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