Friday, April 25, 2008

Locating Films at Columbia University

Films held in the Columbia Libraries are primarily VHS, Laserdisc and DVD formats.

Locate films in CLIO by using the following suggested searches:

Enter the title and select “Title Search”
Use the Quick Limit “Video Recordings”

You can use the author search for director, producer, screenwriter, actors (generally principal actors)
Note: Quick Limit does not apply to this search

Use keyword if you recall only a part of the title or if you want to pair a director and title
Use the Quick Limit "Video Recordings"
Example: kurosawa samurai dvd

Browse film titles:
A useful search for browsing is subject heading search.
You can browse a listing of all of our feature films, documentary films, foreign language films.

Here are a few subject headings :

  • Feature films

  • Foreign films

  • Documentary films

  • Comedy films

  • Historical films

  • Horror films

For foreign language films:
Subject headings include:

  • motion pictures, spanish (or any applicable language)


  • Use the “Pre-Select Limits” option to select a language, e.g., “Spanish”
    Perform a keyword search on the word “films”
    Select the Quick Limit “Video Recordings”

    Perform a keyword search for the word "videorecording"
    Narrow your search by adding additional keywords: "videorecording and

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